there's sth. fishy.: 心里有鬼 have a guilty conscience
office有鬼 haunted office有鬼呀 oh on! a ghost心里有鬼 have an ulterior object in view; be up to some trick; harbour intentions that can't bear daylight; have a bad [guilty] conscience; have a bellyful of tricks; have [with] ulterior motives [designs]心中有鬼 have ulterior motives; have a bellyful of tricks; have sth. to hide学校有鬼 gakko no kaidan有鬼一样的 spooky这里面有鬼 there's sth. fishy about it.; i smell a rat.; there's some dirty work going on here旧年暑假还有鬼 i still know what you did last summer旧年暑假仲有鬼 i still know what you did last summer男 女厕所里有鬼 wo yem kan十七之监房有鬼 troublesome night 17心里有数、心里有鬼 know the score感到内疚, 心里有鬼, 问心有愧 have a bad conscience; have a guilty conscience阴阳路十七之监房有鬼 aau yeung liu sap chat ji gaam fong yau gwai据说那座老宅子有鬼魂出没 people say ghosts haunt that old house有轨钻车 track-mounted jumbo; track-type jumbo有轨自动车 rail car有诡计的 wily有轨抓斗起重机 rail grabbing crane有辊裂印痕的盘条 fire cracked rod有轨运送拌和车 transit-mixing railcar有滚转控制系统的导弹 roll-to-control missile有轨运输 rail haulage; rail transit; rail travel; track haulage
Do you believe in the existence of ghosts ? 你相信有鬼 存在吗? Are you possessed with a devil ? 你是不是有鬼 附着? They say ghosts haunt that house . 据说那屋子有鬼 。 There 's something fishy about it . 这里面有鬼 。 The house is said to be haunted . 据说这屋有鬼 。 I knew the race was fixed . 我知道这次比赛有鬼 。 We all laughed at jane when she said she believed in ghosts . 简说她相信有鬼 ,大家都笑话她。 Do you believe in ghosts ? 你相信有鬼 吗? It was as if there were a jinx on her whole vacation . 她整个假期过得糟糕透顶,像是有鬼 附身似的。 Are you possessed with a devil, he pursued, to talk in that manner to me when you are dying ? 你是不是有鬼 附着,他追问着,在你要死的时候还这样跟我说话?
有鬼的日语 :(1)疑わしい点がある.うさんくさい.怪しい. 这里面有鬼/この裏にはいんちきがある. (2)やましい.後ろめたい. 他心里有鬼/彼は心にやましいところがある.彼は心に悪巧みがある.有鬼的韩语 :(1)별난 데가 있다. 이상한 데가 있다. 这里面有鬼; 이 이면에는 미심쩍은 데가 있다 (2)(마음에) 꺼림칙한 것이 있다. 가책을 느끼는 것이 있다. 他心里有鬼; 그의 마음에는 걸리는 것이 있다 (3)나쁜 짓을 꾀하다. 꿍꿍이속이 있다. 다른 속셈이 있다.有鬼的俄语 :[yǒuguǐ] здесь что-то не так; дело не совсем чисто有鬼什么意思 :谓有不可告人的打算或阴谋。 杜鹏程《铁路工地上的深夜》: “ 老赵 心虚口松地说: ‘抛锚了!’总指挥看见引擎盖盖得好好的, 就说: ‘有鬼!抛锚了, 你统着手站在这儿等谁背你走?’”如: 他说话吞吞吐吐的, 心里一定有鬼。