

  • amorphous forms



  • 例句与用法
  • There is a complementary divergence of views of the structure of amorphous polymers .
  • After coating on the surface of silica , gd2o3 : eu has better luminescence properties
  • By means of x - ray diffractometry , it is found the fluorocarbon films are amorphous
    X - ray衍射仪对溅射沉积膜的结构进行了研究结果表明cf膜是无定型的。
  • 5 . amorphous ruos xt ^ o was intensively used as electrode materials for pseudo capacitors
    在法拉第准电容器中,目前研究最多的是无定型的rlloz ? xhzo 。
  • The xrd results reveal that the oxides coated are non - crystal and xps results reveal that it has chemical bonder with the surface of graphite particle
    Xrd分析显示包覆物以无定型态存在, xps分析表明石墨表面与包覆物产生了化学结合。
  • Specility : lt is white or near ly white unshaped power . lt has no odour , little sweet . lt can be dissolved in boiled waterand indissolved in ethano or aether
  • First , the solid ice on the surface could have been annealed , meaning that its temperature could have been raised above the 78 kelvin mark to allow the amorphous ice to recrystallize
  • The paper presents the chemical function of zeolite 4a , the silicate , the amorphous silicate , the layered silicate of green phosphorus detergent and its present development
  • The former electrode is manufactured in two steps . first , amorphous hydrated ruo _ 2 power is made from stuff rucl _ 3 ? nh _ 2o in colloidal way . then the power is mixed with adhesive and conductive agent , coated on ta foil by heat - press
  • The molecular structure of the sputtered titanium oxide films were investigated by xps and x - ray diffraction . it was found that the ratio of ti / o increases when pressure increases , and there is a optimum ratio of ar / o2 for the sake of obtaining more tio2 on pet surface
    利用x射线衍射法( x - ray )对溅射沉积膜的表面物相结构进行了研究,发现在本实验室条件下溅射生成的膜均是无定型结构。
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