Having no particular directional characteristics 无定向的具有无特定方向的特征
Standard test method for ductility of nonoriented electrical steel 无定向电工钢延展性的标准试验方法
Pet non - oriented polyethylene terephthalate sheets and films for packaging 包装用无定向聚乙烯对邻苯二甲酸
Astatic gravity meter 无定向重力仪
26 therefore i do not run like a man running aimlessly ; i do not fight like a man beating the air 26所以,我奔跑不像无定向的;我斗拳不像打空气的。
Gwt : she doesn ' t even think about the path of life . her steps wander , and she doesn ' t realize it 吕震中本:生命之路径、她不(不系经点窜翻译的)修平;她的辙迹无定向而不自知。
At first , in order to prevent the premature convergence of genetic algorithm effectively , the author brings forward a novel dyadic floating - point supplementary mutation operator . then , simulating the natural evolution , the author presents a novel topology , unoriented - connected topology , for parallel genetic algorithm . in the end , an interval decomposed optimization method is brought forward for ipga , which can improve the optimization performance of the algorithm 为提高算法的性能,作者对遗传算法进行三种改进:首先,为克服遗传算法早熟收敛,作者提出一种新的二元浮点补码变异算子;其次,模拟生物自然进化模式,为并行遗传算法提出了一个新的并行拓扑结构- - - -无定向拓扑连接;最后,作者提出一种区间分解优化思想,来提高对最优解的搜索能力。