

  • nothing



  • 例句与用法
  • 1 non - conformings are marked with formal but not defined means , such as pencil or tapes
  • If the value of this last parameter was not supplied by the caller , the value of the corresponding property is undefined
  • Artist quotient regulates artistic standard . the artistic quotient test brought to you by esd
    一般人的审美眼光从无定义,唯美学商数aq - artistic quotient以具体而标准的方法透视个人对美学的观感。
  • This paper introduces a method of variable structure control based on the feedback linearization , which can solve the stability problem of the feedback linearization when there are some plots which relative degrees havent definition in the concerned state region
  • Abstract : this paper introduces a method of variable structure control based on the feedback linearization , which can solve the stability problem of the feedback linearization when there are some plots which relative degrees haven ' t definition in the concerned state region
  • At present , sports marketing is an idea with meaning but without exact definition . some enterprises eager for quick success and isntant benefit have used sport marketing as a fast way of making money similar to sales promotion . therefore , sports marketing does not play an important role for these enterprises . for those enterprises stressing long - term interest , sports marketing is more effective and useful than promotion and advertising
  • First , it delves into the key technique of eis ? image registration , and presents an effective registration algorithm which is from coarse toprecise and form local to global . second , it applies recursive kalman filtering technique inmotion filtering of registration parameters and makes motion compensation for practical image . finally , it takes advantage of mosaicking to reconstruct undefined regions to avoid theubiquitous information missing and image degradation . this algorithm has high precision as wellas high speed
    首先,对电子稳像中关键环节? ?图像配准技术进行了深入研究,给出一种由粗到精、由局部到全局的高效配准算法;接着,采用了递归kalman滤波技术对配准参数进行运动滤波并对实际图像进行运动补偿;最后,利用了图像拼接技术进行“无定义区”重建,避免了普遍存在的信息丢失和图像降质问题。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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