- more than can be counted on one's fingers; a great many; countless; innumerable; too many for the fingers to calculate; too many (such people or cases) to be counted on the fingers; too numerous to be counted on the fingers
- 不胜 1.(承担不了) cannot bear; be unequal to 体力不胜 be physically unequal to (a task); be physically incapable of coping with (a job); 老年人不胜忍受今年的仲夏酷暑。 the old aged cannot bear up against the midsummer heat this year.2.(非常) extremely; tremendously; very; deeply3.(表示不能做或做不完) too ... to 防不胜防 be impossible to prevent; 数不胜数 too numberous to count
- 不胜任 incompetent; unfit for the post 一位不胜任的律师 an incompetent lawyer; 他完全不胜任这工作。 he is quite incompetent to do the work
- 无不胜 invincibility; xm584
- 麻坑[指不露底][漆病 eye hole
- 手指不能屈伸 motor impairment of fingers; motor impairment of the fingers
- 所指不明确性 referential opacity
- 尤指不足之处 c. flaw
- 指不一般的好 flagrant exceptional
- 4战无不胜 young and dangerous 4
- 不错,不胜枚举 it’s only limited by your imagination; yes, the list is endless
- 不胜悲哀 overcome with sorrow; extremely grieved
- 不胜诧异 be lost in wonder; much to one's surprise
- 不胜负重 sink beneath one's burden
- 不胜感激 esteem it (as) a favor; be deeply grateful; be much indebted to; boundless gratitude; feel much [greatly; exceedingly] obliged
- 不胜骇异 be greatly surprised
- 不胜浩叹 heave a deep sigh; sigh deeply
- 不胜欢迎 with a thousand welcomes; welcome with open arms
- 不胜惶惑 be extremely perplexed and alarmed
- 不胜今昔 feel quite touched by the changes of human life
- 不胜惊恐 be in a blue fear; be in a blue funk
- 不胜惊异 be filled with wonder; to be greatly surprised
- 不胜枚举 be too numerous to enumerate [recount; list; mention]; be too many to recount; be too numerous to be counted; defy enumeration; too many to enumerate piece by piece; too numerous to mention one by one; unable to reckon up one by one
- 不胜铭感 be deeply grateful
- 不胜凄然 cannot help being sad
- 指泊信号 berth signal
- 指部分教师 they are teachers of this school
- 指不胜屈的日语:数えきれないほど多いこと.
- 指不胜屈的韩语:【성어】 (너무 많아) 이루 다 헤아릴 수 없다. =[数shǔ不过来] [指不胜举]
- 指不胜屈的俄语:pinyin:zhǐbùshèngqū на пальцах не сосчитать; много, множество, не перечесть
- 指不胜屈什么意思:zhǐ bù shèng qū 【解释】扳着指头数也数不过来。形容为数很多。 【示例】《春秋》之义,不以父命辞王命,不以家事辞王事。象这样的,~。(清·曾朴《孽海花》第一回) 【拼音码】zbsq 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、宾语、补语;形容数量多