不胜惊异 be filled with wonder; to be greatly surprised
我对她的奇怪举动不胜惊异 i was filled with astonishment at her strange action
惊恐 alarmed and panicky; terrified; panic-stricken; seized with terror 人们开始对霍乱感到惊恐起来。 people began to feel alarmed about the cholera. 她成了神经过敏的人, 听见一点点声响就惊恐不安。 she has become a bundle of nerves, starting at the slightest sound
不胜 1.(承担不了) cannot bear; be unequal to 体力不胜 be physically unequal to (a task); be physically incapable of coping with (a job); 老年人不胜忍受今年的仲夏酷暑。 the old aged cannot bear up against the midsummer heat this year.2.(非常) extremely; tremendously; very; deeply3.(表示不能做或做不完) too ... to 防不胜防 be impossible to prevent; 数不胜数 too numberous to count
I was surprised to learn from today ' s papers that a severe typhoon passed over your hometown recently . i hope that your house did not suffer any damage 从今日报纸上获悉,你的家乡最近遭遇严重的台风,不胜惊恐.愿你的住所未遭损坏