- 拳 fist
- 曲 qu,a type of verse for singi ...
- 地 the earth
- 蜷缩 roll up; huddle up; curl up
- 蜷缩 roll up; huddle up; curl up 把身体蜷缩成一团 huddle oneself up; 他躺在床上, 蜷缩成一团。 he lay huddled up in bed. 刺猬一受到攻击就蜷缩成一团。 a hedgehog rolls itself into a ball when attacked
- 畏缩地 cringingly; shrinkingly
- 畏缩,蜷缩 cower
- 拥挤、蜷缩 huddle
- 蜷缩的 frizzly/frizzy; frizzy
- 曲地铵 tridihexethyl
- 弯曲地 agley; crookedly; deviously
- 易曲地 flexibly; pliably; pliantly
- 毛发拳曲的 cymotrichous
- 不畏缩地 unflinchingly
- 短缩地址 abbreviated address; truncated address
- 伸缩地板 telescoping floor
- 伸缩地段 flexible segment
- 狭缩地槽 kinegeosyncline
- 挤在一起,蜷缩 huddle
- 四肢蜷缩 flex
- 蜷缩着睡 cuddle up
- 像蛇般拳曲的 twisting and curving like a snake
- 被歪曲地 distortedly
- 不屈曲地 inflexibly
- 芬曲地尔 fenetradil