mr. xia's love for his motherland
拳拳 sincere赤子 newborn baby心 the heart赤子心 with the child边缘赤子心 schpaaa丛林赤子心 benji the hunted呐喊赤子心 shout谁知赤子心 dare mo shiranai; daremo shiranai - nobody knows; nobody knows天堂赤子心 choori天涯赤子心 honkytonk man; the champ浴火赤子心 backdraft战火赤子心 a midnight clear真情赤子心 unstrung heroes追梦赤子心 rudy撒哈拉赤子心 'imû沙场壮士赤子心 battle hymn拳拳 [书面语] sincere 拳拳之忱 sincere intention; sincerity; 拳拳之心 sincere heart空拳赤手 a hollow fist and bare hands -- relying on no one; bare-handed; unarmed情意拳拳 nothing is impossible拳拳服膺 lay [take] it to heart in all reverence; adhere to ... faithfully; have a sincere belief in ...; keep firmly in the mind拳拳之忱 sincere intentionsincerity拳拳之心 sincere heart茶子心 oiltea camellia seed核子心 nucleor莲子心 hindu lotus plumule; plumula nelumbinis
However , since my mother fell ill , i always wear dress of fresh red for its auspicious symbol , and every day i pray piously for my moth - er ' s health with my sincere intention 然而,自从妈妈患病后,我总是穿着鲜红的吉祥颜色,拳拳赤子心 ,每天虔诚地祈愿妈妈安康!