- twisting and curving like a snake
- 像 likeness; portrait; picture
- 蛇 snake; serpent; mole catcher
- 般 happy big
- 拳 fist
- 曲 qu,a type of verse for singi ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 毛发拳曲的 cymotrichous
- 拳曲的, 卷毛的, 弯曲的 curly
- 短而拳曲的假发 bobwig
- 像蛇的 snaky
- 曲的 flexuose; flexuous; flexural
- 毒蛇般的 viperish; viperous
- 拳曲地蜷缩地 curlily
- 形状或动作像蛇的 anguiform
- 拳曲得很厉害的 having tight curls
- 波曲的 sinuate; undose
- 不曲的 inflexible; unbending; unbowed
- 二曲的 biarcuate
- 反曲的 retroflexed; sigmoid
- 弓曲的 camptodrome; camptodromous
- 钩曲的 hooked
- 渐曲的 aduncate
- 卷曲的 cincinal; cincinate; cincinnate; circumflex; coiled; corkscrew; curled; curly; frizzy; kinkled; kinky
- 可曲的 flexible; flexile
- 挠曲的 crooked; flexible; flexural; pliable