- 房 house
- 不胜 cannot bear; be unequal to
- 防 provide against; defend agai ...
- 聪 - 防不胜防 live verison
- 防不胜防 impossible to guard against ...; impossible to defend effectively; no way to prevent [guard against] absolutely; precautions cannot ward off sudden attacks; preventive measures prove to be useless against such things.; the utmost care could not prevent it from happening.; very hard to guard against...: 他球路多变, 令对手防不胜防。 his opponent couldn't stand up to his varied and fast-changing tactics
- 他球路多变令对手防不胜防 his opponent couldn't stand up to his varied and fast changing tactics
- 不胜 1.(承担不了) cannot bear; be unequal to 体力不胜 be physically unequal to (a task); be physically incapable of coping with (a job); 老年人不胜忍受今年的仲夏酷暑。 the old aged cannot bear up against the midsummer heat this year.2.(非常) extremely; tremendously; very; deeply3.(表示不能做或做不完) too ... to 防不胜防 be impossible to prevent; 数不胜数 too numberous to count
- 订房不到 no-show
- 住房不足 housing shortage
- 不胜任 incompetent; unfit for the post 一位不胜任的律师 an incompetent lawyer; 他完全不胜任这工作。 he is quite incompetent to do the work
- 无不胜 invincibility; xm584
- 船房不管装和卸 free in and out(f-i-o)
- 心怯空房不忍归 under the crescent moon a light autumn dew
- 4战无不胜 young and dangerous 4
- 不错,不胜枚举 it’s only limited by your imagination; yes, the list is endless
- 不胜悲哀 overcome with sorrow; extremely grieved
- 不胜诧异 be lost in wonder; much to one's surprise
- 不胜负重 sink beneath one's burden
- 不胜感激 esteem it (as) a favor; be deeply grateful; be much indebted to; boundless gratitude; feel much [greatly; exceedingly] obliged
- 不胜骇异 be greatly surprised
- 不胜浩叹 heave a deep sigh; sigh deeply
- 不胜欢迎 with a thousand welcomes; welcome with open arms
- 不胜惶惑 be extremely perplexed and alarmed
- 不胜今昔 feel quite touched by the changes of human life
- 不胜惊恐 be in a blue fear; be in a blue funk