At the fourth chapter , i compared the individual credit system between the center bank and shanghai credit limited company , and had a more explain to the complementary connections of the pcrs and pcbs by a private housing credit company case that has no background of government 征信是市场经济发展到一定阶段的产物,聚焦旧中国征信业发展历史,主要体现在中国征信所的兴衰。以信息共享为主要任务和主要特征的征信产业是自然垄断的,只要有一
During this period , the banking public affairs such as the bankers clearing house , accepting house etc came into being one by one , which the s . b . a had been struggling for ten years to achieve . the s . b . a also played an important role in defending the benefit of the banking and in improving the banking business . these achievements were highly valued in the finance history of modern china 上海银行公会前十年为之奋斗的公共事务如征信所、票据交换所、票据承兑所等在1927 - 1931年间逐次建成并初具规模,上海银行公会为促进银行业发展所做的种种努力,客观上推动了中国金融业现代化进程。