Discussion on establishing system of personal joint credit 我国建立个人信用联合征信制度浅析
The study on founding the law environment for the personal credit investigation system in china 关于构建我国个人联合征信系统法律环境的思考
Textual creative of be placed in to counterplan that dissolve the study of the credit risk , compare to put forward to establish perfectly social credit unite gain confidence the system , and fresher put forward to enhance government credit developments clearly , then put forward to enhance the credit the education from the angle of the deep level of structure and research 本文的创新之处在于对化解信用风险的对策的探讨,比较完善地提出了建立社会信用联合征信系统,并比较鲜明地提出要加强政府信用建设,进而从深层次的角度提出了加强信用教育与研究。
Through the normative research , aiming at the credit deficiency status in china this article point out that it is the best approach to solve it by setting up the credit investigation system . based analysis on the development of the sme credit system of domestic and overseas , we should take measures to establish the sme credit system with omni - directional , multistage and suitable the situation of our country 本文针对当前我国中小企业的信用状况,分析其信用缺失的主要原因,指出建立中小企业征信体系是解决中小企业信用缺失的有效途径之一,并且在分析国内外中小企业征信体系发展现状的基础上,构建适合我国国情的全方位、多层次的中小企业联合征信体系,以帮助更好地解决中小企业信贷融资难问题。