- 商业 commerce; trade; business
- 兴 mood or desire to do sth.; i ...
- 信 letter; mail
- 商业征信所 commercial credit agency; commercial credit bureau; commercial enquiry agency; commercialcreditagency; mercantile agency
- 商业徵信所 mercantile enquiry agency
- 商业兴旺 brisk commerce
- 兴信 okinobu
- 电信所 incatel
- 征信所 credit information bureau; credit information service
- 徵信所 ccis; credit bureau
- 复兴信贷 kreditanstalt fur wiederaufbau
- 复兴信贷银行 reconstruction credit bank
- 地方征信所 local credit bureau
- 调查所, 徵信所 inquiry agency
- 调查所,征信所 inquiry agency
- 新高征信所 shing kao credit co
- 百业兴旺 he that will thrive must rise at five
- 农业兴旺 prosperity in farming
- 事业兴衰 vicissitudes of cause
- 五业兴旺 prosperity in farming, forestry, animal husbandry; side-occupations and fishery
- 职业兴趣 occupational interest; vocational interest
- 职业兴趣表 vocational interest schedule
- 德国复兴信贷银行 kfw kreditanstalt für wiederaufbau
- 职业兴趣测量 occupational interest measure
- 职业兴趣测试 vocational interest tests