Who ' s always been there for you ? when you were moping 当你伤心的时候,谁总是为你开解
And i needed someone to talk to 我只不过是需要人开解一下。
And i needed someone to talk to 我只不过是需要人开解一下。
Baby , i can t breathe without you i don t wanna go through life walking 就像我是个看守天使能开解你的心
And where you gonna run when you re starin down the cable of a . . 不可开解的忧伤仍荡漾从前爱火变死灰hoo !
The gaps that remained should primarily be closed through spending cuts 余下的缺口还可以通过削减开支开解决。
All boredom amused 所有的烦闷都得到开解
All boredom amused 所有的烦闷都得到开解
A touching story between a software designer ng nim zo and her dying fiancee siu sin , who will be dead in 7 days . . . 祖因小幽未醒而意志消沉,小幽将灵魂付于其妹小倩身上开解祖。
Sure to delight those of us who have always wanted to exact revenge on the petty , annoying people in our lives . . 只需最后明白镜花水月的道理,就能修成正果。剧场导演首回拍电影,更懂得以黑色幽默手法去开解无奈人生。