巍然 towering; lofty; majestic; imposing 大桥巍然横跨在江上。 the bridge stands majestic astride the river
高耸 ascend; mount; steeple; stand tall and erect; tower; cloud-capped; lofty; high; towering 高耸的悬崖 high cliffs; 高耸的纪念碑 a towering monument; 高耸入云 reach to the sky; tower into the clouds; 那幢摩天大楼高耸入云。 the skyscraper towers into the clouds.; 高耸建筑物 high-rise structures
In the labyrinth - like stone forest , you may look around and take up some steps for a further view 有的石峰巍然高耸,刺破青天有的嵯峨嶙峋有的摇摇欲坠,令人目荡神摇。
One instant he was astride a broncho and flying through the fairy - colored painted desert country ; the next instant he was gazing down through shimmering heat into the whited sepulchre of death valley , or pulling an oar on a freezing ocean where great ice islands towered and glistened in the sun 他一时骑着野牛在色彩绚丽宛如仙境的彩绘沙漠上飞驰一时又穿过闪着微光的热气俯瞰着死亡谷的晒白了的墓窟。他在快要冻结的海洋上划着桨,海面上巍然高耸的庞大冰山熠耀在阳光里。