壮观 grand sight; magnificent sight 宏伟壮观的宫殿 the splendour of a palace; 圣诞节的夜晚城里到处灯火辉煌, 格外壮观。 with brilliant lights blazing everywhere in christmas night, the city looked most magnificent
Built on the red hill of lhasa , it appears rather great 因其建于拉萨红山之上,更显巍峨壮观。
The temple worshipping machu was built according to the traditional scheme , great and splendid , solemn and majestic 鹿耳门天后宫建筑依照古制,巍峨壮观,庄严肃穆。
We drived vehicles by huang yang highway , turned to the reservoir , got the gate , then ascended step by step the above 300 sidesteps , we saw the ursa major palace is lofty and grand , the bodhisattva statues in the temple are brilliant , other rooms are old - timey 驱车沿黄杨大道转入水库直抵山门,沿着三百多级的石阶拾级而上,只见大雄宝殿巍峨壮观,殿内菩萨塑像金壁辉煌,综合用房古色古香。