stand majestically stand as firm as a rock stand firm stand lofty and firm stand rock-firm
傲然屹立 (of a building) stand towering proudly above the rest; (of a person) be a tower of strength and be justly proud of it; rise majestically; stand fast [firm]
London had stood triumphant through all her ordeals . 伦敦在经历考验之后仍巍然屹立。
It rose as a monument to human ingenuity immovably firm . 它有如人类智慧的丰碑,巍然屹立,岿然不动。
Whatever may be our fate, be assured, be assured, that this declaration will stand . 无论我们个人的命运是祸是福,请坚信,坚信宣言必将巍然屹立。
There seemed one strong young figure standing up against long, dismal, drawling tides of drift and surrender, of wrong measurements and feeble impulses . 眼前是一个坚强的年青人,他巍然屹立,顶住那股长长的忧郁的、慢吞吞地流过来的潮流。那是一股毫无主见、动不动就屈服的潮流,也是估计错误、冲击微弱的潮流。
It stood upright upon the figure of a prostrate and headless giant 巍然屹立在一个趴着的无头怪物身上。
The solitary beauty peak duxiu feng rises up in the middle of the city north of lijiang hotel 桂林市中心的“独秀峰” ,是桂林山水中诸山之冠,它巍然屹立在明靖江王城内。
It has four peaks ; at 223 m , mingyue feng is not only the highest one within this massif , but also in all of guilin 桂林市中心的“独秀峰” ,是桂林山水中诸山之冠,它巍然屹立在明靖江王城内。
Fubo hill rises from the banks of the river and offers superb views from its summit , while halfway up is a huge cooking pot and a bell weighing 2 . 5 tons 桂林市中心的“独秀峰” ,是桂林山水中诸山之冠,它巍然屹立在明靖江王城内。
It ' s on the crossing of zhong shan road 4 which layouts the first subway line and famous brand shops and beijing road which is a prosperity business district 该大厦位于中山四路地铁一号干线上,巍然屹立于名店林立的中山四路及北京路黄金商业网点之间。