They neither give nor withhold from their excess . 他们既不捐献也不吝啬他们多余的东西。
The construction of the new problem might strike things rather odd . 新问题的构造中可以删去多余的东西。
Superfluous wealth can but superfluities only 多余的财富只能买来多余的东西
Sioughing off the excess to find our center 舍弃多余的东西来找到自我
I abandon to you , then , what is absolutely superfluous to me 那么我就把完全多余的东西留给你们。
Still the same story of superfluities 这些都是多余的东西!
I ll sell everything i don t need , and by investing the proceeds i d have a steady two thousand a year 我卖掉我多余的东西,每年就会有两千利弗尔的收入。
But at that instant he felt as though something superfluous was hanging on his benumbed left arm 这时他觉得,他那只失去知觉的左手上悬着什么多余的东西。
The boy showed no interest in music . the grand piano they had bought for him was nothing but a white elephant 那个男孩对音乐没有兴趣,他们为他买的大钢琴成了件多余的东西。
Living in an 3 ) alcoholic environment , we never had too much of anything laying around our house , except beer bottles 生活在酒气熏天的环境里,除了啤酒瓶以外,我们从没在家里放过其他多余的东西。