- excrescent
- expletive
- gash
- odd
- otiose
- postiche
- redundant adjective
- spare
- superfluous
- supernumerary
- surplus
- synchronized attribute is not needed (sann)
- uncalled-for
- unwanted
- The first is to get rid of excess poundage .
首先是除掉多余的体重。 - Levchenko's anxieties seemed groundless .
列夫钦科的忧虑似乎是多余的了。 - This word is redundant , it can be left out ...
这个字是多余的,可以去掉。 - It turned out that my worries were justified .
事实证明,我的担心不是多余的。 - Facts proved that our worries were uncalled-for .
事实证明我们的担心是多余的。 - It may be superfluous to say that ....
说…也许是多余的。 - These were extra wedges in case they should be needed .
这些多余的楔子是备用的。 - His spare money goes on books .
他多余的钱都花在买书上。 - The atoms can rid themselves of extra energy .
原子能够把它们多余的能量释放出来。 - Have you any ticket to spare ?
- 多余的的法语:superflu surabondant
- 多余的的日语:やせた に苦痛を与えません スペア の命を助ける に苦痛を与えない
- 多余的的韩语:불필요한
- 多余的的俄语:поберечь ненужные избыточный излишний ненужный худощавый уделять ненужное лишний уделить ненужная