

  • convention of international trade
  • customs and practice for international trade
  • customs and usages of interantioanl trade
  • customs and usages of international
  • international trade practice



  • 例句与用法
  • In most cases we must try to conform to the customs and practices of international trade
  • In accordance with international trade practice , both parties , once entered into a contract , are liable for its execution
  • In this section , the meanings , functions and interpretations provided by international trade practices of price terms are to be discussed
  • Her principal areas of teaching and research include transnational corporation ( tnc ) , foreign direct investment ( fdi ) and international trade
    主要从事《跨国经营理论与实务》 、 《国际贸易理论与实务》 、 《国际贸易惯例与规则》 、 《跨国公司》等课程的教学及相关研究工作。
  • The artical focuses on what we will do cautiously in the adoption of the international trade customs on the basis of analysis of character , nature and function of the transaction
  • The company always strictly abides by international trading rules , creates brilliant future with scientific and technology , and makes progress with times . with our great efforts , infinite activities and strengthen management group , we would like to work together with you sincerely
  • The seller shall have the equipment strongly packed and shall take measures according to international commercial practice to protect it from moisture , rain , corrosion ( except steel deliveries ) and shock according to its individual shapes and special features so as to withstand the necessary handling , loading and unloading as well as long - distance sea and inland transportation to ensure the equipment ' s safe arrival at the sites without any damage or corrosion ( except steel deliveries ) under the conditions stated under clause 5 . 7
    卖方应按照国际贸易惯例根据货物自身形状特征将其包装牢固,使之避免潮气、雨水、腐蚀(钢材交付不在此例)和振荡,并能够经受长途海陆运输中的装卸,确保设备不会损坏和腐蚀(钢材交付不在此例) ,使之符合5 . 7款所规定的状况。
  • W : mr dupont , you are doubtless aware that " payment by installents " is one of the terms of payment that has been accepted and very often used by several of our sellers abroad , and our adoption of this system of payment for some specific items of our imports is not in cotradiction with the usual practice in international trade
    吴:杜邦先生,无疑你很清楚, “分期付款”是我们国外卖主已经接受并经常使用的一种付款条款,在一些特殊项目的进出口中我们采用这一付款方式,和国际贸易惯例并不矛盾。
  • Mr dupont , you are doubtless aware that " payment by installents " is one of the terms of payment that has been accepted and very often used by several of our sellers abroad , and our adoption of this system of payment for some specific items of our imports is not in cotradiction with the usual practice in international trade
    吴:杜邦先生,无疑你很清楚, “分期付款”是我们国外卖主已经接受并经常使用的一种付款条款,在一些特殊项目的进出口中我们采用这一付款方式,和国际贸易惯例并不矛盾。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 推荐英语阅读
国际贸易惯例的英文翻译,国际贸易惯例英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译国际贸易惯例,国际贸易惯例的英文意思,國際貿易慣例的英文国际贸易惯例 meaning in English國際貿易慣例的英文国际贸易惯例怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
