国际贸易惯例 convention of international trade; customs and practice for international trade; customs and usages of interantioanl trade; customs and usages of international; international trade practice
惯例 convention; usual practice; customary rule; customs and usages; routine 国际惯例 international practice; 操作惯例 working rule; 按照惯例 by customary rule; follow the practice of; 违背惯例 out of usual practice; 公认的惯例 a recognized practice; 打破惯例 break away from practices [customs]; 惯例法 code of practice; conventional law
国际贸易规则与惯例 codes et conventions des affaires internationales
惯例法 code of practice; conventional law; customary law
Course of dealing and usage of trade 交易习惯和贸易惯例
We send you herewith a cheque , value90have deduct the usual trade discount of2 依贸易惯例,扣除2折扣后,奉上面额为90英镑支票一张。
We have to point out that the listed payment terms do not correspond to customary business practice 我方不得不指出,所列付款条件不符合贸易惯例。
The arbitrators , in accordance with the last paragraph of art . 13 of the icc rules , will also take into account the relevant trade usage 根据国际商会仲裁规则第13条最后一段之规定,仲裁员们也将考虑相关的贸易惯例。
This law , by imposing extremely short and specific time requirements in respect of the giving of the notice of defects by the buyer to the seller appears to be an exception on this point to the generally accepted trade usage 卖方所在国法律所规定的买方通知卖方的时限特别短,特别具体,在这点上,似乎是通用的贸易惯例的一种例外。
Some of those calls are for the further development of what is termed " international commercial custom " , for example through model clauses and contracts formulated by the interested business circles on the basis of current trade practices and relating to specific types of transactions or particular aspects thereof 其中的一些人呼吁进一步发展被称之为"国际商事惯例"这种统一形式,例如,由有兴趣的商业界人士根据现有的贸易惯例和特定的交易类型或者由此而涉及的特殊问题,订立出相应的示范条款和示范合同。