

  • international trade volume
  • physical volume of international trade



  • 例句与用法
  • In the long run it is very likely that international trade will continue to expand as the costs of transport and communication continue to decline
  • As the immense increasing of international trade in china , the company took the advantage of it and took 10 years to develop its services from traditional transport , customs brokerage and freight forwarding to international logistics and supply chain management
  • As the immense increasing of international trade in china , the company took the advantage and spent over 10 years to build up its services from traditional transport , customs brokerage and freight forwarding to international logistics service and supply chain management
  • That is why we are pleased to have been able to support the preparations for the 6th international energy efficient lighting conference right light 6 , which will be held in shanghai in may next year , and we welcome opportunities for co - operation in the future
    这要求国际社会在统一制造标准方面- - - -例如,在国际贸易量日趋增大的节能灯具和电器领域- - - -进行合作。这就是我们积极支持明年五月在上海举行的第六届国际节能灯展览会的原因。
  • Those flights are supporting international express volume into and out of china that has seen dramatic growth in recent quarters . in april , ups became the first u . s . airline to launch non - stop service between the united states and guangzhou , which lies strategically in one of china s fastest growing manufacturing regions
    去年十二月, ups从其在中国的长期合作伙伴中外运手中取得了对中国23个地区的国际快递业务的直接掌控权,这23个城市覆盖200多个城市,占中国国际贸易量的80 %以上。
  • Ups signed an agreement with sinotrans on december 1 , 2004 , which allows ups to take over direct control of international express operations in china s largest and most important 23 locations by end of 2005 . these 23 locations cover over 200 cities and represent more than 80 percent of china s international trade
  • 推荐英语阅读
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