单向操作 one-way only operation; unidirectional operation
双向操作 bidirectional operation; bidirrectional operation; biplane operation; both way operation; bothway operation; operation, complete; two way operation; two-way operation
Parsing is the inverse operation of formatting 分析是格式化的反向操作。
[ undo ] reversible actions . users should be allowed to recover from errors . reversible actions also encourage exploratory learning 用户应该被允许反向操作,现实证明,反向操作有利于探索性的学习。
During this period i spent my nights reverse - engineering game engines to see how they worked , and designing the game i d always wanted to make 在这段时期我用晚上的时间反向操作游戏引擎来观察他们是怎样工作的,并且来设计我一直想完成的游戏。
Operates in a reverse direction : given an arbitrary xml document , you can generate a python - like object with a slight loss of information about the original xml Gnosis . xml . objectify是反向操作的:如果存在一个任意的xml文档,那么您可以生成一个类似python的对象(会丢失一点有关最初xml的信息) 。
Now that some capital restrictions have been lifted , and growth has slowed , domestic investors have taken an opposite approach ; they are moving their money to more attractively valued emerging markets from brazil to india 既然一些资本限制已经取消,成长也已趋缓,国内投资人采取反向操作,他们把钱转移到从巴西到印度等股价更有吸引力的新兴市场。