- 使用 make use of; use; employ; ap ...
- 命令 order; command; directive; i ...
- 重 weight
- 定向 directional; orient; orienta ...
- 使用命令 utility command
- 使用命令列 working with command bars
- 使用命令行 working with command bars
- 使用命令文件 using command file
- 命令行重定向 redirecting command line
- 探测项链使用命令 searching - probe necklace
- 尽量不使用操作符 operator : should not be used (osnbu)
- 重定向 redirctory; redirected; redirect,redirection; reorientate; url redirection
- 命令重试 command retry
- 命令重写 format c:/s
- 命令重执 command reentry; command retry
- 常用命令 dos
- 调用命令 fscommand
- 实用命令 utility command
- 通用命令 universal command
- 用命令启动 starting with commands
- 操作符 actor; new operator; operational character; operational sign; operator, an mo element; operator, content element; operators; the as operator; the is operator; type of operator
- 命令重新进入 command reentry
- 使重定向 reorientate
- 输出重定向 output redirection
- 输入重定向 input redirection