

  • one-way only operation
  • unidirectional operation



  • 例句与用法
  • It is a one - way operation which will pass the courier id as a parameter
  • A consumer must ignore a soap response carried in a response from a one - way operation
  • For one - way operations , an instance must not return a http response that contains an envelope
  • A consumer must ignore an envelope carried in a http response message in a one - way operation
  • In a service view , it corresponds to a one - way operation with only an input or output message
    从服务的角度来看,它类似于一个单向操作(仅仅使用输入或者输出消息) 。
  • The link between activex data objects and ado . net is a one - way operation in that you can copy data from ado to the
    Activex数据对象( ado )和ado . net之间的链接是一个单向操作,因为您可以将数据从ado复制到
  • Since the process will be long - running , requestpickup is a one - way operation and only has an input which is the delivery data
  • You can also create one - way operations that can be used with asynchronous invocations , but for now , we are only creating a simple synchronous request
  • Requirement r2724 from bp1 . 0 was actually consolidated into another and the requirement number was reused for a new requirement that made it clear that the http response message for one - way operations must be empty
    Bp1 . 0的需求r2724实际上被整理为另一个需求,并且重新生成了新的需求编号,成为一个新的需求,该需求明确了单向操作的http响应消息必须为空。
  • You should also remember that the jax - rpc specification supports only one - way and request - response operations as defined by the wsdl specification ; it does not support solicit - response or notification operation styles
    您还应该记住, jax - rpc规范仅支持wsdl规范定义的单向操作和请求-响应操作; jax - rpc规范不支持要求-响应( solicit - response )操作样式或通知操作样式。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
单向操作的英文翻译,单向操作英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译单向操作,单向操作的英文意思,單向操作的英文单向操作 meaning in English單向操作的英文单向操作怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
