- 划 delimit; differentiate
- 得 need
- 一手 proficiency; skill
- 桨 oar; paddle
- 写得一手好字 write a fair hand
- 他写得一手好字 writings
- 烧一手好菜 cook nice food
- 写一手好字 write a good hand
- 一手好字 write a fair [good] hand 海伦写一手好字。 helen writes a beautiful hand
- 海伦写一手好字 helen writes a beautiful hand
- 他能写一手好字 he writes a good hand of chinese characters
- 他有一手好手艺 he's a master of his craft
- 一手好牌, 有利的地位 a nap hand
- 比赛技巧好,下一手好(棋) to play a good game
- 手好 tezuki
- 一手 1.(技能或本领) proficiency; skill 露一手 show off one's skill; 他会做好这件事, 因为他很有一手。 he will do well in that work because he has a lot on the ball.2.(耍的手段) trick; move 他这一手真毒辣! what a vicious trick he played!3.(一个人) single-handed; all by oneself; all alone 这事是他一手办理的。 he did it all alone
- 所以我想了解并获得一些第一手资料 i'd like to get some first-hand information
- 得一 coordination of yinyang
- 划得来 it will pay to; worthwhile 老实一点总划得来。 it pays to be honest. 他们怀疑这样干是否划得来。 they doubted whether all this work would pay off
- 划桨划得好 pull a good oar
- 第一手 firsthand 第一手材料 firsthand material
- 留一手 hold back a trick or two (in teaching a trade or skill)
- 露一手 make an exhibition of one's abilities or skills; show off 一有机会总要露一手 seize every opportunity to show off
- 铜一手 lme
- 一手宽 hand breadth; handbreadth/handsbreadth; handsbreadth