I'll tell you something i've often debated with myself, is it worth it ? 想告诉你我心里翻来覆去思考的一个问题,这划得来吗?
It pays to buy goods owing to their superior quality 买高质量的货物是划得来的。
Don ' t hesitate . it ' s really worth the money 别犹豫,这确实很划得来。
The answer was that it did , but not enough to pay for itself in a strictly financial sense 答案就是,严格地从金钱方面来讲,这是划得来的,但这不够。
Considering the weather , and that you have a cold already , i ' d have thought that 2 on a taxi would be money well spent 考虑到天气和你得了感冒,我觉得花两英镑坐出租车是划得来的开销。
The minimal cost for taking taxi / / far outweighs the inconvenience / / of being immobile in this vast urban area 城区广大,交通不便,无法走动,所以出这么点钱坐出租车还是非常划得来的(上算的) 。