- 用囤积居奇造句挺难的,這是一个万能造句的方法
- 囤积居奇的英语:store up goods to make a good bargain; buy up (sth.) in order to sell it at a profit later on; corner the market; engross the market; hoard and corner; hoard and hold out for higher prices...
- 囤积居奇的法语:accaparer et stocker des marchandises;stocker des marchandises à des fins de spéculation;spéculer à la hauss
- 囤积居奇的韩语:【성어】 매점하다. 투기하다. →[奇qí货可居]
- 囤积居奇的俄语:[túnjī jùqí] см. 囤积