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  • An ear-splitting noise of merrymaking issued from the open windows, and died out far away under the serene evening sky .
  • Merrymaking begins on new year ' s eve and builds up to midnight
  • Engaging in boisterous , drunken merrymaking , we caroused whole night
  • There was joy and merrymaking in the whole country when the king ' s son was born
  • The seasonable greetings and merrymaking of christmas help us to forget the seasonal miseries of frost and snow
  • Once in the regiment when i did not go to some merrymaking , and there the music was playingand i felt all at once so dreary
  • Again , it is a merrymaking season , and young boys and girls in shanghai always play around day and night on christmas every year
  • He ate , drank , and indulged in daily merrymaking , he said , adding that he also smoked , consumed meat , and had new girlfriends every day
  • He has appeared on " late show " , " good morning america " and other shows , describing a roisterous campus lifestyle of beer and merrymaking
  • At that time , we may spoil ourselves , relax too much , indulge in too much physical fun and merrymaking , squander our precious time , listen to our minds only , and take little care of our spirit
  • It's difficult to see merrymaking in a sentence. 用merrymaking造句挺难的
  • An earsplitting noise of merrymaking issued from the open windows and died out far away under the serene evening sky while peasants , belated in the lanes , turned and looked at the flaring rooms
  • A band dubbed " the barometrics " sang , " it ' s gonna be a bright , bright sunshiny day , " lyrics from the song " i can see clearly now . " some islanders were sober despite the merrymaking , mindful that meteorologists expect several more years of above - average hurricane activity
    一支被称做“大气压力”的乐队在不停地唱着“这将是阳光灿烂的美好一天” ,这是歌曲现在我可以清晰洞察一切中的一句歌词。
  • The only objection which led christian missionaries to forbid chinese converts to participate in the ceremonies and communal feasting and merrymaking of ancestor worship is that the worshipers are required to kneel down before the ancestral tablets , thus infringing upon the first of the ten commandments
  • Otherwise , they won t have the chance to experience difficult and unfavorable situations , and when they ascend to the throne , they will just spoil themselves and indulge in merrymaking , which will be bad for the country and people . they won t be patient in dealing with other countries ; that s for sure
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