An ear-splitting noise of merrymaking issued from the open windows, and died out far away under the serene evening sky . 震耳的欢笑声,从窗口传出去,一直传到很远,消逝在极远的静穆暮霭之中。
Merrymaking begins on new year ' s eve and builds up to midnight 尽情欢乐在新年前夕开始,持续到午夜。
Engaging in boisterous , drunken merrymaking , we caroused whole night 狂欢、喧哗、畅饮、狂欢作乐了整夜。
There was joy and merrymaking in the whole country when the king ' s son was born 当国王的儿子诞生时整个国家有欣喜及狂欢作乐。
The seasonable greetings and merrymaking of christmas help us to forget the seasonal miseries of frost and snow 及时的圣诞节问候与狂欢,可以帮助我们忘掉冰冻与大雪带来的季节性痛苦。
Once in the regiment when i did not go to some merrymaking , and there the music was playingand i felt all at once so dreary 有一回,我没有出席兵团里的游园会,那里正在奏乐我忽然感到厌烦”
Again , it is a merrymaking season , and young boys and girls in shanghai always play around day and night on christmas every year 又到了狂欢的季节,每年上海的圣诞节,就像这样子,年轻人夜夜笙歌。
He ate , drank , and indulged in daily merrymaking , he said , adding that he also smoked , consumed meat , and had new girlfriends every day 他说他每天吃喝玩乐,什么都有,酒肉烟都有,然后女朋友换好多,每天好几个等等。
He has appeared on " late show " , " good morning america " and other shows , describing a roisterous campus lifestyle of beer and merrymaking 他在“当今秀”和“早安美国”等等做秀节目中露过脸,大谈自己啤酒加快乐的热闹的校园生涯。
At that time , we may spoil ourselves , relax too much , indulge in too much physical fun and merrymaking , squander our precious time , listen to our minds only , and take little care of our spirit 那个时候有可能我们会宠坏自己,使自己懈怠,沈溺在吃喝玩乐之中,白白浪费宝贵的光阴,只听从自己头脑的话,没有照顾自己的精神。
merrymakingとは意味:merrymaking n. 浮かれ騒ぐこと. 【動詞+】 ◆This news rather dampened the merrymaking. この知らせはその浮かれ騒ぎに少々水を差した. 【+動詞】 ◆The merrymaking went on all night. どんちゃん騒ぎはひと晩中続いた ◆The merrymaking didn't stop until dawn. 浮かれ騒...