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  • Thus, memorialization of pets is left open to diverse interpretation.
  • Anything a person can do in terms of memorialization can be healing.
  • The industry of professional memorialization has inevitably kicked into gear.
  • Memorialization is for the living, not the dead.
  • A simple list of names is not a memorialization.
  • Newcomb has been the subject of memorialization in Wisconsin.
  • The impact of the Cross of Sacrifice on war memorialization is difficult to underestimate.
  • It is active in local Civil War memorialization.
  • Additionally, 3D virtual worlds are beginning to be explored as spaces for informal memorialization.
  • Formation of a contract generally requires an require formalities, such as a memorialization in writing.
  • It's difficult to see memorializations in a sentence. 用memorializations造句挺难的
  • For a time, it was often regarded with a sense of amnesia until memorialization efforts emerged.
  • United States memorialization on the battlefield began in 1879 with a temporary monument to U . S . dead.
  • It is a major new example of public commemorative art, a rarity in the proliferating industry of Holocaust memorialization.
  • "We're acutely aware that there needs to be something along the lines of memorialization,"
  • No one could expect the memorialization of the murder of more than 3, 000 people to proceed without controversy.
  • Buddhist practices, specifically ancestral memorialization, have directly influenced the death rites and rituals performed for pets in Japan.
  • We view the recordings on the CDs as a memorialization of the songs at a particular moment in time ".
  • The memorialization of the man and his deeds for this country is separate from that single act of that momentous speech,
  • It's as if disposal of the remains and memorialization of the life are beginning to diverge in the public mind.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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