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  • Sollogub's memorialists noted different set of features of the writer.
  • The memorialists appealed to the lord chancellor as visitor of the college, and the censure was removed from the college books.
  • Such an approach reflected little of the critical sensibility that had dominated most of the seventeenth century through the works of the Bollandists, the memorialists of Port-Royal, and Jean de Launoy.
  • Contemporaries and memorialists agree, that the count was of highly egocentric, proud, and irascible temperament, at all times emphasised his ancient noble lineage, and never thought it necessary to exercise restraint in writing to superiors.
  • "Your memorialists most earnestly hope that your counsels may be wisely directed, and that you will take such action in the premises as may strengthen the hands and encourage the hearts of those who have the direction of the Prohibitory Liquor Law movement ."
  • :Your Excellency need not be reminded of the many Peculiarities attending the Settlement of this Country The Settlement of other Provinces has generally originated in the voluntary Exertions of a few enterprising Individuals, unincumbered, and prosecuting their Labor at their Leisure, and as they found it convenient, and most for their Advantage  Far different is the Situation in which the loyal Adventurers here find themselves  Many of them upon removing had Sons, whose Time of life, and former Hopes, call for an immediate attention to their Education  Many publick advantages, and many Conveniences would result to Individuals could this be affected within this Province, the Particulars of which it is unnecessary to ennumerate  Your Memorialists do therefore most earnestly request your Excellency will be pleased to grant a Charter for the establishing, and founding such an Academy . . . }}
  • It's difficult to see memorialists in a sentence. 用memorialists造句挺难的
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