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  • The child's paternity was contested in the libelles.
  • Aircraft incorporating these changes are informally known as'Sch黰anised'Libelles.
  • This literature ( called libelles ) constituted a large portion of the works that circulated in the illegal book trade.
  • On lui conna顃 de nombreux ouvrages en r閜onse ?des libelles dirig閟 contre ce ministre par des partisans de la reine m鑢e ou de Gaston de France.
  • Darnton states that " libelles " tended to communicate a revolutionary point of view that showed social rot was consuming French society, eating its way downward from the top.
  • The couple's failure to produce any children for several years placed a strain upon their marriage, exacerbated by the publication of obscene pamphlets ( " libelles " ) mocking their infertility.
  • It has been translated into French and Italian, been awarded the Enid McLeod Literary Prize, received critical praise including being described " definitive " by British historian, libelles which destroyed the queen's reputation.
  • The latter author's book is considered by some modern historians to be the most thorough and balanced biography of the queen, though it naturally builds upon earlier biographies, first hand accounts, and even the infamous " libelles " which destroyed the queen's reputation.
  • Written mostly in the form of pamphlets, the " libelles " " slandered the court, the Church, the aristocracy, the academies, the salons, everything elevated and respectable, including the monarchy itself " . " Le Gazetier cuirass?" by Charles Th関eneau de Morande was a prototype of the genre.
  • While enthusiasts and apologists see Brissot as an idealist, and unblemished, " philosophe " revolutionary, his detractors have challenged his credibility and moral character by repeating allegations that during the mid-1780s he was involved in the production and dissemination of pornographic " libelles ", spied for the police and or the British and defrauded his business partner.
  • It's difficult to see libelles in a sentence. 用libelles造句挺难的
  • As early as 1777, there were pornographic pamphlets ( libelles ) of the Queen being sold on the very doorstep of Versailles, and in towns which the court was known to visit, such as Compi鑗ne, Fontainbleau, and Saint-Cloud . " By the false policy of Her Majesty's advisers, these enemies and libelers . . . were privately hushed into silence, out of delicacy to the Queen's feelings, by large sums of money and pensions, which encouraged numbers to commit the same enormity in hope of obtaining the same recompense ."
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