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  • Is it likely a jury would find I libelled anyone?
  • So have I slandered of libelled the site?
  • On one occasion he was imprisoned when the paper libelled the King, George IV.
  • Examine whether Ravi is perhaps being libelled.
  • A nice little injunction because of, guess what, yet another school libelled in WP!
  • The ship was put in operation without being sent to an admiralty court to be libelled.
  • Clarke libelled Byron, who in return wrote that he was " a living libel on mankind ".
  • Three South Tyneside councillors and an official complained they were libelled in a blog called " Mr Monkey ".
  • The far bigger problem is much less well known people who are libelled or whose personal information is released.
  • The libelled party sues and gets a multimillion dollar judgement, beyond what donors or any insurance could cover.
  • It's difficult to see libelled in a sentence. 用libelled造句挺难的
  • Leeds player Johnny Giles complained about the way he was portrayed in the book and claimed he had been libelled.
  • Of course the dead can't be libelled but surely this kind of provocative statement must have a reference attached.
  • The Mandrake column in the " Telegraph " alleged he had personally written the YC Report and had libelled Hamilton.
  • Twenty years after his execution, Durrant's name was resurrected as circumstantial evidence that his sister Maud Allan deserved to be libelled.
  • In 1845, the factory became state property, and in 1853 Zhelyazkov's competitors libelled him and arranged his elimination from its administration.
  • User Abe Gray ( spokeperson for Otago Norml ) on the other hand knowingly libelled two top university officers on one of his first edits.
  • Both May and Hamnett were able to extract ?5 from the newspaper within hours of each other on the grounds that both had been libelled.
  • In need of money, he launched a series of court cases against people whom he believed had libelled him, some of which proved successful.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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