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  • However, the dialects spoken by the tribes from the Karlani confederacy of Pashtuns are lexicologically different and very varied.
  • Lexicologically, the meaning of the word arrest is given in various dictionaries depending upon the circumstances in which word is used.
  • We could not say " Australs " or " Cambods ", let alone " Romans " ( the ones from Bucharest, that is ), simply because these words sound very strange or else they mean something else ( like the Virgins of Virginia ), and lexicologically it does not work in English-at this time.
  • We could not say " Australs " or " Cambods ", let alone " Romans " ( the-ones from Bucharest, that is ), simply because these words sound very strange or else they mean something else ( like the Virgins of Virginia or the benighted burghers of Wank in Germany ), and lexicologically it does not work in English-at this time.
  • It's difficult to see lexicologically in a sentence. 用lexicologically造句挺难的
如何用lexicologically造句,用lexicologically造句lexicologically in a sentence, 用lexicologically造句和lexicologically的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。