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  • Language , dictionary and lexicography
    语言183 ;词典与词典学
  • I heard the professor ' s discourse on english lexicography
  • Phrase equivalence pair is very useful for bilingual lexicography , machine translation and crossing - language information retrieval
  • This paper points out a close relationship between linguistics and lexicography , and expounds the research results in linguistics in brief , esppcially how to apply the results to dictionary - making
  • Is a pioneer in modern bilingual lexicography and the first dictionary of its kind to be compiled based on the statistical evidence of vast electronic databanks of real language , both written and spoken
    为全世界的语言专家所称道,是当代双语词典的先锋,并且是最早的英- -法词典。它是以大量的现实书面语和口语为基础编撰而成的。
  • Abstract : on the basis of the author ' s theoretical study on translation and bilingual lexicography and her own experience in translating the new oxford dictionary of english , this paper attempts to find out the criteria for translating entry words in english - chinese dictionaries
  • The thriving studies on grammaticalization ( full word ' s grammaticalization ) , syntactical functions extension , rationale for compound words , grammaticalization ( lexicalization ) , iconicity , etymology , lexicography , etc . in modern linguistics are directing researchers ' attention to the diachronic and historic perspective in the synchronic research of the lexical semantics of modem chinese
    摘要现代语言学研究中的语法化(实词虚化) 、词性引申研究,复合词理据义研究,语法化(词汇化)研究,象似性、词源研究,词典编纂研究等的兴盛,带动了现代汉语词汇语义的共时研究对历时、历史视角的关注。
  • It's difficult to see lexicography in a sentence. 用lexicography造句挺难的
如何用lexicography造句,用lexicography造句lexicography in a sentence, 用lexicography造句和lexicography的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。