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  • The ejido system supplied the PRI with millions of grateful supporters.
  • We support the ( beginitalic ) ejido ( enditalic ) system,
  • Members of Tulum's ejido began selling the beachfront property.
  • This culminated in the removal of the ejido system in Chiapas.
  • It defended ejido officials ( comisariados ejidales ) and agricultural cooperatives.
  • Much of these crop forest lands are ejido or communal lands.
  • 3 ) Islamic Center Uruguay, situated at Ejido and Soriano.
  • Fifty percent of the land is part of the ejido system.
  • Approximately 275 hectares of land was redistributed under the ejido system.
  • Those who have money must rent one from someone on another ejido.
  • It's difficult to see ejido in a sentence. 用ejido造句挺难的
  • These include Reino de Atzimba, Cointzio, Huandacareo and El Ejido.
  • An elected body of officials governs the ejido and its economic business.
  • The PROCEDE program surveyed, mapped, and verified the ejido lands.
  • This ejido was recognized as the Xochistlahuaca municipality in 1934.
  • Chavez said, sitting in the dirt-poor Yaqui settlement Ejido Sarmiento.
  • There used to be the custom that the ejido members alone decided things.
  • Ejido families had the right to pass their land down through the generations.
  • He was freed Tuesday along the busy Avenida Ejido.
  • In this year, they were granted an ejido.
  • The museum also contains documents related to the establishment of the Suchitl醤 ejido.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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