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  • Starting with the government of ejidal but is not sown by the peasants to whom it is assigned.
  • Under the ejidal system, land is not officially or legally inheritable, but actual practice often violates this proviso.
  • Overlapping this group and conflicting with them are ejidal officers, in those instances where the ejido controls the land-tenure system.
  • The Parque Ecologico Ejidal San Nicol醩 Totolapan is located by the semi-independent rural village of the same name covering over 2, 000 hectares.
  • Each Agricultural colony has its own communal sheriff ( " comisariado ejidal " in Spanish ), also the colony people use the COPACI " concejo de participaci髇 ciudadana " or Civil Participative Council.
  • In 1980, several ejido ( communal land organizations ) joined to form the Union of Ejidal Unions and United Peasants of Chiapas, generally called the Union of Unions or UU . It had a membership of 12, 000 families from over 180 communities.
  • Aside from the seat, the most important localities are Nuevo M閤ico, San Francisco Tesist醤, Valle Real, La Venta del Astillero, La Magdalena ( San Jos?Ejidal ), Nextipac, Ciudad Bugambilias, Base A閞ea Militar de la XV Zona, San Esteban ( San Miguel Tateposco ).
  • The changes to the ejidal system have largely failed to improve ejidal productivity, and have been implicated as significant contributing factors to worsening rural poverty, forced migration, and the conversion of Mexico, where the cultivation of maize originated, into a net-importer of maize and food in general.
  • The changes to the ejidal system have largely failed to improve ejidal productivity, and have been implicated as significant contributing factors to worsening rural poverty, forced migration, and the conversion of Mexico, where the cultivation of maize originated, into a net-importer of maize and food in general.
  • A comisario is elected for a three-year term to transact business with lumber companies ( where sawmills exploiting ejidal forest land are present ); other officials supervise sawmills, work in the forest, watch over forest exploitation according to established rules, and deal with officials of the Secretar韆 de la Reforma Agraria, the federal agency that oversees and adjudicates matters regarding ejidos.
  • It's difficult to see ejidal in a sentence. 用ejidal造句挺难的
  • Other projects include a fresco the Hotel Posada del Sol in Mexico City ( 1948 ), a fresco depicting Zapata at the Escuela Rural de Temixco, Morelos ( 1950 ), a series of seven murals at the Sociedad Cooperativa Ejidal, with Rina Lazo and Atilio Carrasco ( 1952 ), a fresco called Pobledores de las Siete Regiones de Oaxaca at the Museo Nacional de Antropolog韆 ( 1964 ), A series of sixteen print murals to decorate the Venustiano Carranza House Museum in Cuatro Ci閚egas, Coahuila ( 1969 ), A series of nine panels for the Casa de Obrero Mundial in Mexico City ( 1971 ), " Oaxaca en la histor韆 de M閤ico " at the state government building in the city of Oaxaca and a mural at the cultural center of Azcapotzalco, Mexico City.
  • As municipal seat, the town of Tlalmanalco has governing jurisdiction for the following communities : San Antonio Tlaltecahuac醤, San Lorenzo Tlalmimilolpan, San Rafael, Santo Tom醩 Atzingo, Rancher韆 San Jos?Zavaleta, La Ladrillera, Rancho Santa Cruz, Rancho Cuautenampa ( La Quebradora ), La Escondida, Rancho la Mesa, Santa Mar韆, Restaurante el Arenal ( Familia Carbajal ), El Brasero, Gavillero ( Rancho el Gavillero ), Lomas del Pedregal, Santiago ( Kil髆etro Cincuenta y Ocho y Medio ), Fraccionamiento Valle Plateado, Villa Rinc髇 de las Monta馻s, La Presa, Ejido San Lorenzo ( La Ca馻da ), Rancho de la Huerta, El Durazno, Rancho Santa Rita, Terreno San Luis ( La Nopalera ), Rancho la Joya ( La Rosa ), Vista Hermosa, Fraccionamiento Vergel de la Sierra, El Trapiche ( Xacalco ), Rancho Alfa y Omega, Colonia Ejidal ( San Juan Atzacoaloya ), El Faro, El Capul韓, Tiro de las Palomas, Colonia el Magueyal Dos, Rancho Carvajal, Rancho San Luis, Rancho Fernando de la Machorra, Rancho la Encumbre, Colonia la Esperanza, Tepopotal and Fraccionamiento las Palomas.
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