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  • Dudu Dotan, an Israeli actor, broke down in tears.
  • Mevo Dotan is built on land belonging to Ya'bad.
  • In 2001 Dotan produced " Diamond Dogs " with Dolph Lundgren.
  • Hiuch HaGdi ) is a 1986 Israeli drama film directed by Shimon Dotan.
  • The bridge was designed by Israeli architect Haim Dotan.
  • It identified him as 30-year-old Eitan Vaknin of Mevo Dotan.
  • Dotan was released from an Israeli prison last year after serving 12 years . ml
  • Dotan said he was certain that only the militant was hit by the shell.
  • The blast ripped the turret from the 61-ton tank, burning Dotan alive.
  • Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Amira Dotan said Sunday.
  • It's difficult to see dotan in a sentence. 用dotan造句挺难的
  • Expanding on Safdie's play, director Shimon Dotan wades into Neil Simon territory.
  • Gen . Rami Dotan, 54, was sentenced in 1991 to 13 years in jail.
  • The attack took place near the Jewish settlement of Mevo Dotan in the northern West Bank.
  • Following the shooting, the crossing point was closed, and trucks evacuated, Dotan said.
  • After the attack, the crossing was closed, said Yoni Dotan, the Israeli site manager.
  • Some 200 policemen were sent in to quell the fighting and three people were arrested Dotan said.
  • In 1994 Dotan directed and produced Warriors, starring Macha Grenon, Gary Busey and Michael Pare.
  • Foreign Ministry spokesman Amira Dotan said Israel wasn't invited and would have liked to take part.
  • Dotan Avraham, 73, from Tel Aviv, was heading to Jerusalem to wait out the war.
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