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  • There is a dotaku museum devoted to the bells in Yasu city, in Shiga prefecture, in central Japan.
  • Dotaku were used for about 400 years, between the second century B . C . and the second century C . E . ( corresponding to the end of the Yayoi era ), and were nearly only used as decorations for rituals.
  • Physically, the body of a " dotaku " consists of " a truncated cone shape " and " has rows of horizontal bands divided in the center by a vertical row " . thus bronze was considered more precious than iron.
  • CBC Radio 3 initially launched separate sites "'120 Seconds "', "'New Music Canada "'and "'Just Concerts "'through a collaboration between CBC Radio, media design company Dotaku Group, and technology company Internet Edge.
  • It's difficult to see dotaku in a sentence. 用dotaku造句挺难的
如何用dotaku造句,用dotaku造句dotaku in a sentence, 用dotaku造句和dotaku的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。