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  • Here he printed a Marcello Cervini, Reginald Pole and Jean du Bellay.
  • Unfortunately, Cervini was disliked by the Emperor.
  • Cervini's death caused Salviani to dedicate the work to Pope Paul IV.
  • Applicants to Cervini Hall must accomplish the dorm Application Form secured only at the Residence Halls.
  • Angel Cervini replaced him until 1979.
  • Cervini received all votes except of his own, which he gave to Gian Pietro Carafa.
  • Internet facilities are provided and maintained by the Ateneo Cervini-Eliazo Network Team ( ACENT ).
  • When, almost immediately after, Cardinal Farnese was recalled to Rome, Cervini stayed on as Nuntius.
  • But Julius III ( Monte ) had died in 1555, as had Marcellus II ( Cervini ).
  • Reinaldo Cervini, a congressman, will replace Rangel in those talks, said Chavez spokeswoman Maria Teresa Gutierrez.
  • It's difficult to see cervini in a sentence. 用cervini造句挺难的
  • Over the course of next decade Cervini also became the apostolic administrator of the dioceses of Reggio and Gubbio.
  • Worst of all, on 22 December, Cardinal Cervini left the Conclave, suffering from a quartan fever.
  • In its immediate vicinity are the dormitories ( Cervini and Eliazo Halls ) and the John Pollock Renewal Center.
  • I would like to start and end in London . _ Anthony Cervini, New Hyde Park, N . Y.
  • The 2006 study identified two lineages in Cervinae, Cervini ( comprising the genera " Rangifer " species ).
  • On April 9 at 11 p . m . they elected by acclamation Cardinal "'Marcello Cervini " '.
  • He enjoyed the financial support of Cardinal Cervini ( later Pope Marcellus II ), enabling him to explore the Mediterranean coastline.
  • "People around here feel safe again, " said Cervini, who has practiced law in Jackson Heights since 1990.
  • Located near the Loyola Schools, Cervini accommodates approximately two hundred male students, while Eliazo houses one hundred and sixty female students.
  • And while the courts have designated Burke the personal representative, Wu's lawyer, Michael Cervini, is trying to void the marriage.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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