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  • Cervinara was held by several feudal families, including the Filangieri, the Carafa, the Caracciolo and the Sant'Eramo.
  • Lokanatha was born near Naples in Cervinara, Italy in 1897 in the celebrated family of Cioffi and given the name of Salvatore, meaning the Savior.
  • During the Italian unification, the Cervinaresi contributed to the liberal movements of 1820 and 1848, when the conspirators decided to start from Cervinara to march on Naples and establish a Republic.
  • However, the revolutionary ferment never managed to involve the majority of the population, and on 29 / 30 November 1860, Cervinara sided with the Bourbons against the Italian troops which had occupied the Kingdom of Two Sicilies.
  • It's difficult to see cervinara in a sentence. 用cervinara造句挺难的
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