

音标:[ yùgòu ]   发音:
  • purchase in advance



  • 例句与用法
  • Step 7 : choose between a " snelled " hook and a loose hook . snelled hooks are pre - rigged for tying directly to the angler ' s line ; loose hooks hold dough or softer bait
    第七步:在“鱼鲜绑制”的鱼钩和散钩之间作选择。预绑预购是预先绑好线的(脑线) ,可以直接加到钓鱼人的主线上。散钩子挂面团饵或者活饵。
  • Mortgage , a way of purchasing house through circulating money with the bank and widely practised in developed countries and areas is characterized by providing what is purchased as the guarantee of the loan
  • Development business must obtain those who sell licence to just can have commodity house to open to booking , do not have what the law handles business contract to open to booking purchase in advance to register formalities otherwise
  • We are one of the most leading manufacturing of sanitary wares in china , which specialized in sanitary wares , faucet , wash basin and mirror etc . , our quotation is very competitive , pls contact us if you have any interests
  • She said that a distributor has already agreed in advance to acquire the first round global overseas distribution right of the tv drama series adapted from ni kuang s science fictions , at a price that is three times that of similar rights
  • With qin jia yuan s strong brand equity which is synonymous with quality and viewership assurance on the mainland , we are able to engage in business negotiations with distributors , tv channels and advertisers well ahead of shooting .
  • With qin jia yuan s strong brand equity which is synonymous with quality and viewership assurance on the mainland , we are able to engage in business negotiations with distributors , tv channels and advertisers well ahead of shooting .
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 其他语种释义
  • 预购的法语:préachat préacheter
  • 预购的日语:予約購入をする.予約注文をする.
  • 预购的韩语:[명사][동사] 예약 구입(하다). 预购返程机票; 돌아오는 비행기표를 예약 구입하다
  • 预购的俄语:pinyin:yùgòu 1) предварительно заготавливать; закупать, контрастировать; заготовка, контрактация; предварительные заказы 2) абонировать
  • 预购什么意思:yùgòu 预先购买或订购:~农产品│~返程机票。 ◆ 预购 yùgòu 预先购买或订购:~农产品│~返程机票。
  • 推荐英语阅读
预购的英文翻译,预购英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译预购,预购的英文意思,預購的英文预购 meaning in English預購的英文预购怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
