The results demonstrated that the ann is efficient and the theoretical results fit well with that of forecasting the beam camber in construction 分析表明该方法是有效的,与实测预拱度结果较吻合。
The bridge has builded by balanced cantilever construction technique . the beam camber of construction is a controlling index of construction quality control . it is nonlinear , and now is not mature forecasting method 该桥采用节段式悬拼施工法,其施工预拱度的控制是关键指标,目前没有一个成熟预测方法。
In this essay the technique of the structure calculation and error adjustment measures used in bridge construction prefigurative deviation control was researched based on the construction control and monitor project of wuhan caidian han river bridge 本文主要结合蔡甸汉江公路大桥的施工监测监控项目,研究施工预拱度控制的结构计算和误差调整方法。
The deflection ' s computation is complicacy when considered the agents included concrete creep . so we should compare the calculation results with design date before construction to find the problem . we should continually adjust the elevation date in construction control to reduce the error 考虑徐变后结构的挠度计算是极其复杂的,因为它包含了包括混凝土徐变在内的许多因素,而且即使计算出预拱度,在施工之前也应将计算数据并与设计值比较,从而发现问题。
Then on the basis of calculating result from the prefigurative deviation control structure calculation , " rational data forecast processing about error adjust in prefigurative deviation control was made by the prefigurative theory of bp neural network and corresponding program and software matlab6 . 1 . at last via the data comparison with the practical survey data draw a conclusion : it is feasible for the construction prefigurative deviation control and error adjust used in pc rigid frame bridges to use the calculation model and program brought forward in this paper 同时,在对预应力混凝土刚构桥施工过程线形预拱度控制的结构计算分析的基础上,利用bp神经网络的预测理论和相应的程序及软件包matlab6 . 1对预拱度控制中的误差调整进行了较好的预测处理,通过与实际施工数据及成桥后测量结果作分析比较,得到结论:运用本论文的计算模型和程序对预应力混凝土刚构桥预拱度控制过程进武汉理工大学硕士学位论文行结构分析和误差调整处理是可行。
Not only t he self - weigh of every beam , the prestressing , the compression on the support of form scaffolding , constriction of concrete , creeping are considered when the inter nal force is calculated , but also the result of displacement and deviation of th esupport and precamber should be taken into consideration 施工阶段的内力计算不仅考虑逐段施工梁的自重,预加应力,模板支架的支点压力,以及混凝土的收缩、徐变;同时还应考虑施工程序,施工中的支座位移、支座偏差和预拱度等的影响。
After that , the paper makes a relatively profound study analysis of the structure calculation and error adjust forecast technique used in pc rigid frame bridges construction monitor and control , and comprehensive analyzes of the influence factors in building the bridges , based on the engineering practice 本论文的其后部分主要是从工程实际出发,对预应力混凝土刚构桥施工过程线形预拱度控制的结构计算分析和误差调整预测方面作了较为深入的研究,对预应力混凝土刚构桥施工控制过程的影响因素作了全面的分析。
In this thesis , aim to the beam axis shape be exactitude for design , the internal force of the beam be appeased by design request , the concept of modem cybernetics is applied , at the same time , the effecting parameter has collected . the paper build the ann model in predicting the beam camber an construction and discuss indetail the extraction of inputting nodes information when quoting the fundamental principle of ann model and introducing research process of the improved bnn . according to them , ann is applied in the construction control of prestressed concrete continuous bridge 本文以大桥成桥线形满足设计要求和成桥内力控制在设计容许范围内为目的,运用现代控制理论的思想,引用神经网络基本原理,详细介绍bp神经网络的研究过程,从而建立预应力混凝土连续梁桥施工预拱度的神经网络模型,并详细讨论了模型的神经网络结点信息的提取,在工程实例的基础上进行了数值计武汉理工大学硕士学位论文算,数值表明,将神经网络应用于预应力混凝土连续梁桥施工控制,获得了满意的结果,在预应力混凝土连续梁桥施工控制技术研究方面,具有方便有效、精度高的优点,具有良好的应用前景。
With checking and optimization , some rational suggestions on bridge location , shape and overall arrangement is put forward . after construction checking , the author also puts forward some requests for construction pre - cove and safety pier setting , at the same time gives optimum design on joint balance pier . construction structure checking indicated that not only the strength and stability coefficient of rotation stiffness framework is affluent , but also the section size 通过验算及优化,对该桥推荐方案的桥址、武汉理工大学硕士学位论文桥型及桥梁总体布置提出了合理化的建议;通过施工验算,对施工预拱度及保险墩的设置提出了要求,对交界平衡墩进行了优化设计;施工结构验算表明,转体劲性骨架强度、稳定性富余系数较大,截面几何尺寸过大,结构设计过于安全保守,并提出了结构优化的方法,从而大大节省了工程投资,加快了工程进度,增强了桥梁的美观。
A model with some parameters is used to forecasting the beam camber in the construction . based on the differences between the design value and the survey of the bridge deck elevation in constructing the pre - stressed and so on working condition , the model parameters are identified by ann , and the beam camber of different sections are given 建立施工预拱度的数学模型,根据施工时的预应力张拉后等工况桥面实测标高与设计值的差异,用bp神经网络识别预拱度模型的参数,确定有关各截面的预拱值。