

  • till the land; farm



  • 例句与用法
  • Paddy farmer nayakom from the palakkad district says falling yields and declining ground water resources forced him to rethink his chemical fertilizer - intensive farming methods
  • One day a visitor from the city came to a small rural area to drive around the country roads , to see how the farms looked , and perhaps to see how farmers earned their living
  • In response to the practical problems existing in the production of various villages and farmers demand for techniques , they will extend scientific farming techniques in light of the actual conditions in different villages
  • The proper scale management of land , the development of the third industry and the development of a large - scale management by the proper centralization to the master - hand in farm had practical meanings in country
  • There were few trees , or none , those that would have grown in the hedges being mercilessly plashed down with the quickset by the tenant - farmers , the natural enemies of tree , bush , and brake
  • The peat swamps were damaged by forest fires in 1997 , and are also threatened by logging , urbanisation and agriculture . the scientists behind the discovery said that several populations of p . progenetica had already been lost
    1997年, p . progenetica生活的这种泥煤沼泽地被森林大火所破坏,如今这种沼泽地也面临着人类伐木城市化进程和开荒种田等行为的威胁。
  • For the limited soil resources , we should improve the fertility by the way of reclaiming the lands with high fertility , green manure or burning the grass on waste land , reclaiming sandy lands , and increasing applications of fertilizers and manures
    ( 4 )农牧交错带土壤瘠薄,农牧民便采取开垦土壤肥力高的土地、沤肥或烧荒、倒沙种田、增旋肥料等措施提高耕地的肥力。
  • Living in the mountains of northern china , apart from farming and raising livestock , the only way that people like the tians can earn money is by picking mushrooms . but when too many people began to pursue this business , the trade became highly competitive
  • In the past , he and his family worked hard at farming , but still had to worry about having no food for their next meal . watching their children grow up , brother tian and his wife worried that they would not have the means to give them a good education
  • The circulation of the right to management of land by contracting has solved the problem of neglecting the cultivated land to some extent , improved the land utilization ratio and agricultural production effects , at present , many places probe some of the problem actively . the land concentration to the more specialized farming household and agri
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