这次会议预计要开4天。 it is estimated that the meeting will last four days. 工农业总产值预计翻两番。 it is estimated that the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output will be quadrupled.; 预计产量 estimated output; 预计成本 anticipated cost; cost of prediction; projected cost; 预计到达时间 estimated time of arrival; 预计利润 anticipations of profit; 预计数据 predicted data; 预计误差 prediction error
Rising prices-including sharp increase in meats-are expected to put a fresh squeeze on the family budget in coming months . 预计物价上扬包括肉类价格的猛涨,将在今后几个月内,对家庭消费开支形成新的压力。
A survey of available researches trying to answer this question indicates a serious lack of agreement between the predictions of various theories . 为回答这个问题所做的考察表明,各种理论预计结果很不一致。
The outcrop of the bed is then drawn through the intersecting contour points bearing in mind the closure directions anticipated from the rule of vs . 考虑到V字形法则预计的圈闭方向,通过等高线交点勾出岩层的露头线。
The manufacturers had to pay more money than they had anticipated , for they bought the biscuit from the student for $ 4800 . 饼干公司不得不付出比他们预计的还要多得多的钱,因为他们花了4800美元从那位大学生那里买下了那块饼干。
Results will also benefit hazard estimation 这方面的结果还将有益于危险性预计。
And i ' ll announce projected earnings for this network 宣告我预计将会为公司带来
Estimated time of arrival - one minute and counting 预计到达时间-一分钟左右
Hunting , which is wildly popular in the state 预计这项提案不会在德州遭到反对。
Expect long final approach r / w03 , not delay 预计长五边进近跑道03号,不要延误。
More funds were expected to come from the world bank 世界银行预计将提供资金。