- 补进 buying in; cover the positio ...
- 预计 estimate; calculate in advan ...
- 额 forehead
- 预计额 anticipated values
- 购买预计额 buying quota
- 生产预计额 production quota
- 许购定额的估计, 补进额预计 open-to-buy estimate
- 补进 buying in; cover the position◇补进差额 making up difference; 补进存货 restocking; 补进短缺 short-covering
- 累计额 accumulated amount; accumulated value; progressive total
- 钩进预脚 propping ankle throw
- 预计 estimate; calculate in advance; expect 这次会议预计要开4天。 it is estimated that the meeting will last four days. 工农业总产值预计翻两番。 it is estimated that the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output will be quadrupled.; 预计产量 estimated output; 预计成本 anticipated cost; cost of prediction; projected cost; 预计到达时间 estimated time of arrival; 预计利润 anticipations of profit; 预计数据 predicted data; 预计误差 prediction error
- 补进, 轧平 cover the position
- 补进;补仓 buy-in
- 平仓,补进 cover
- 缺陷扣计额 defect deduction
- 【商业】空头补进。 short covering
- 补仓, 补空, 补进(平仓) cover
- 补进差额 making up differences
- 补进存货 restocking
- 补进短缺 short covering
- 补进汇款 covering remittance
- 补进价格 making-up price
- 补进契约 covering contract
- 补进外汇 exchange cover
- 产品返销, 补进 buy back