- 预计 estimate; calculate in advan ...
- 报表 report forms; forms for repo ...
- 备考报表;预计报表 proforma
- 会计报表 accounting report /accounting statement; accounting statements; fiscal statement; order close-out-accounting report; statement of account
- 会计报表(告) accounting statement
- 统计报表 numerical statement; statistical forms; statistical returns; statistical statement
- 编辑会计报表 compilation of financial statement
- 出口统计报表 statistical document, export; statistical doucument export; statistical doucument, export
- 定期统计报表 periodic statistical statement
- 合并会计报表 consolidated financial statements
- 会计报表附注 notes of financial statement
- 会计报表格式 form of accounting statement
- 会计报表目标 objectives of financial statement
- 进口统计报表 statistical document import; statistical document. import
- 年度会计报表 annual fiscal reports
- 试算会计报表 proforma financial statement
- 统计报表制度 statistic report system
- 责任会计报表 profitability accounting statements
- 预计财务报表 budgeted financial statement; forward financial statement; pro forma financial statement; projected financial statement
- 产品入仓统计报表 product receiving summary report
- 分组合并会计报表 group financial statement
- 合伙企业会计报表 partnership statement
- 会计报表编制方法 compilation method of accounting statements
- 会计报表的格式 form of accounting statement
- 会计报表的种类 kind of accounting statements