

  • cultivated area
  • plant area
  • planting area



  • 例句与用法
  • Kuantien produces an average of 4 , 000 tons of water caltrops annually , with a total area of more than 500 hectares under cultivation
  • Until 1980 , the sown area of japonica rice in our country was only 11 percent of total rice , and the output of it was merely 10 . 76 percent
    直到1980年,我国粳稻种植面积只占水稻的11 ,粳稻产量也仅为稻谷总产量的10 . 76 。
  • As an all - purpose crop with high water utilization efficiency and long industrial chain , the potato planting area has been increased year by year
  • ( 3 ) the area for planting annual cash crops was rapidly expanding , especially the vegetables , whose production was evidently increasing
    ( 3 )一年生经济作物面积迅速扩大,尤其是蔬菜类种植面积不断扩大,居一年生经济作物之首,种植业产值增加显著。
  • Crop weather may restrain gains but the sharp cut in soybean acreage may keep giving the soy complex a lift for several trading sessions , the traders said
  • Compared with the three major grain crops , potato planting area can be further increased by using the winter fallow fields and its yield can be further increased as well
  • Rapid expansion of soybean plantations in south america could displace 22 million hectares ( 54 million acres ) of tropical forest and savanna in the next 20 years
    在南美洲,大豆种植面积迅速扩大,这可能会导致未来20年热带森林和热带草原面积减少2200万公顷( 5400万英亩) 。
  • The area for beans planted in summer comes to the top rate and it occupies 87 . 18 % of the country , while it is only 66 . 32 % as the minimum rate for the bean planted in spring
    夏季大豆可能种植面积最大占全国总面积达87 % 。春季大豆可能种植面积最小仅占全国总面积66 . 32 % 。
  • Ch & acirc ; teau lavison will be at it ' s best served with osso bucco , chicken with wild mushrooms or a fillet of beef in wine sauce
  • Tea crop area , harvesting area , per unit area yield , gross output , and the total agricultural output value of the tea industry are analyzed and assessed by using regression model analysis
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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