- method of planting
- planting method
- 种植 plant; grow; raise; cultivat ...
- 法 law
- 塑料种植法 plastoponic
- 特殊种植法 special planting
- 作物种植法 cropping system
- 强磁体种植法 magnet implantation
- 覆盖防冲刷种植法 cover cropping
- 全国大麻种植法改革组织 national organization for the reform of marijuana laws
- 种植 plant; grow; raise; cultivate 树种植在岸上。 the trees are planted on the banks. 这个地区种植香蕉。 the area is under banana cultivation.; 种植机具 sowing and planting machinery; 种植计划 planting scheme; 种植犁 deep plough; 种植面积 cultivated area; 种植期[季节] planting season; 种植业 farm production; crop and plant cultivation; crop cultivation; 种植园 plantation; haciendo; [巴西] fazenda; finca; 种植园主 plantation owner; planter
- 堆植法 high planting; high-planting
- 复植法 reimplantation
- 埂植法 step planting
- 混植法 mixed planting method
- 块植法 [农业] blocking
- 蓝植法 basket planting
- 内植法 interplantation
- 丘植法。 mould-planting
- 塞植法 plugging
- 条植法 drill planting method
- 箱植法 box planting
- 楔植法 wedge planting; wedge-planting
- 穴植法 dibble planting; hole-method; hole-planted method
- 移植法 implantation; transfer methods; transplantation
- 草皮铺植法 sodding
- 铲缝栽植法 bar slit method